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Best Occupational Therapist in East Delhi

Best Occupational Therapy Centre in East Delhi

Dr. Harshita Misra

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT) (2008), Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT, Neurological Disorders) (2011)
Pursuing PhD (Psychology), University of Delhi.

• Consultant Occupational Therapist at Moolchand hospital.
• Visiting Faculty at Amity Institute of Occupational Therapy, Amity University, Noida.
• Consultant Occupational Therapist at Amar Jyoti. (Formerly).
  • Practicing Since: 2008
  • Consultation Fees: Rs.700


    • Occupational Therapy
    • Speech Therapy
    • Special education
    • Sensory Integration Therapy
    • Social Skills Training
    • Neuro Developmental Therapy
    • Handwriting Intervention
    • Hand Function training
    • Brain Gym

Mom's Belief Samvedna Centre for Rehab

115, Jagriti Enclave, Near Anand Vihar, Delhi, 110092
Phone No. : Click Here 17376 views
Morning - Evening
11:00 AM - 07:00 PM
Morning - Afternoon
10:00 AM - 02:00 PM

Best Centre For Autism Treatment in East Delhi

Samvedna- Centre for Rehabilitation is found and headed by Dr. Harshita Misra.

At Mom's Belief Samvedna Centre for Rehab specialized, expert and experienced clinicians and dedicated therapists constantly strive to provide the best possible intervention therapies and treatments to enable children with special needs to lead a better life.

The centre offers a range of therapies and intervention programs so as to enable those affected with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Speech related issues, Down Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Cerebral Palsy, Specific Learning Disorder (SLD), Developmental Delay and other neurological conditions.

Dr. Harshita Misra is life member of All India Occupational Therapists Association (AIOTA) and registered therapist by Delhi Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (DCPTOT).

Improves Fine Motor, Increase Attention Span, Visual Stimulation, Copy skills, Color orientation, Increase Sitting Tolerance, Visual Perception, Shape/ Number/Alphabet Recognition

Dr. Harshita Misra, Masters in Occupational Therapy (Neurology), and having specialized training in Learning Disabilities, Handwriting Intervention, and Sensory Integration is the founder of organization and has been working closely with children of all age groups having difficulty in learning, Sensory issues and academics.

At Mom's Belief Samvedna Centre for Rehab, a specialized team of Occupational Therapists, Special educators, Speech Therapists, Physiotherapists and Psychologists work under her guidance in assessment and implementing the individualised interventions.



Additional Info

  • Certified in Methodologies and Teaching principles of HWT (Handwriting without Tears) Curriculum.
  • Advance Diploma in Learning Disabilities (ADLD).
  • Basic wheelchair training skills at Indian Spinal Injuries Centre, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi.
  • Post Graduate Training in Cancer Rehabilitation from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.


  • Delhi Council of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy.
  • All India Occupational Therapists Association (AIOTA).

Awards & Profesional Achievements

  • Silver Medalist - 2011


  • Book Chapters:
  • Stuti Khanna, Ruby Aikat, Harshita Misra. Perspectives of Universal Design in Inclusive Setups. Inclusive Education- Issues, Challenges and Possibilities. Global.
  • Books Organisation, 2019pg 244-165. ISBN: 978-93-83837-72-4.
  • Ruby Aikat, Harshita Misra. Growing up with disability: issues and challenges – Indian Perspective.
  • Law Medico Immersion: Issues and Challenges, Wolters Kluwer, 2019. pg 199-213. ISBN 13-978-93-88696-33-3.


  • Journal Articles:
  • H Misra, Aikat R (2016). A Survey of Visual Perceptual Disorders in Typically.
  • Developing Children, and Comparison of Motor and Motor-Free Visual Perceptual
  • Training in Such Children. J Neurol Disord 4: 296. doi:10.4172/2329-6895.1000296
  • (impact factor 0.54).
  • H Misra, R Aikat, A Kumar. Occupational Therapy Follow Up in Fibrodysplasia.
  • Ossificans Progressiva- A Case Study. EC Orthopaedics 5.1 (2016): 15-2.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) :

How is autism diagnosed ? Is there any blood test for it?

No, there is no blood test to diagnose autism. A diagnosis is made based on assessments checklist on behaviour communication skills and other II clinical features being done by our psychologist or psychiatrist occupational therapist.

How can I find out what caused my child autism?

Currently there is no exact pathology but there are few genetic syndromes which present symptom of autism for example rett syndrome fragile X syndrome in which the genetic cause is known.

What are the signs of down syndrome?

Initial physical traits of down syndrome low muscle tone small stature, upward slant to the eyes and deep crease across the centre of palm.

In cerebral palsy upto what age we should continue therapy?

we should continue therapy until the child becomes trained and self independent in day to day activities.