Piles Treatment in West Delhi

Hemorrhoidal Piles

Hemorrhoidal disease is one of the most common diseases in humans. More than half of the population has symptoms of hemorrhoids. Millions of people have hemorrhoids (piles). A common patient suffers “in silence” for a long time before consulting a laparoscopic surgeon in Delhi. Currently, there is piles treatment in Delhi that allows quick recovery and with little pain and discomfort.

What are they?

Hemorrhoids are normal anatomical formations. Each individual is born with hemorrhoids. When they become symptomatic, we refer to a patient as a carrier of hemorrhoidal disease.

How often do they have?

More than 60% of the population over the age of 50 will suffer from hemorrhoid symptoms.

What are they for?

Hemorrhoids are important for maintaining “fine” continence. Acting as “anal pads, they ensure a perfect closure of the anal canal.

Why do they generate problems?

Most symptoms are caused by the prolapse (slippage) of the anorectal mucosa in and out of the anal canal. The prolapse of the mucosa and internal hemorrhoids in the anal canal causes sphincter pressure on these structures to determine an alteration of blood flow, which predisposes to “thrombosis” (clots within the blood vessels).

What factors predispose to the appearance of hemorrhoids?

Diarrhea and constipation.

Difficulty evacuation and abuse of laxatives.

Prolonged efforts.

Sedentary life.

Certain sports such as cycling or horse riding.

Pregnancy and childbirth

Circulatory disorders

Alcohol abuse.

Spicy food abuse.

Excess coffee.

What symptoms do they produce?

External hemorrhoids generally do not bleed. They can thrombosis (clots inside the blood vessels) and cause great pain. Although external hemorrhoids can rarely become necrotic and cause a serious complication, most thrombosed hemorrhoids resolve spontaneously. Subsequently, redundant areas of skin may remain (external plicomas). These can cause itching and difficulty in performing a proper toilet.

Symptoms generally include increased local volume and inflammation, pain in relation to defecation or the presence of hemorrhoidal mass and defecatory and / or spontaneous anal bleeding, which may be scarce or lead to chronic anemia. In some patients, severe bleeding may occur.

How is the diagnosis of hemorrhoids made?

The diagnosis is made with a proctological examination performed by a specialist. Although the hemorrhoidal masses are clearly visualized, a rectal endoscopy should be performed to rule out other lesions. The presence of underlying diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases, tumors or colorectal polyps should always be ruled out.

Can hemorrhoids become cancer?

No. But the same symptoms produced by hemorrhoids can be due to a tumor, or other serious diseases, especially bleeding.

How are piles treatment in Delhi done?

Piles treatment in Vikaspuri, Janakpuri, Dwarka includes:

Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams (for example, cortisone) to help decrease pain and swelling.

Hemorrhoid creams that contain lidocaine to help reduce pain.

Stool softeners help reduce effort and constipation.

Things that can be done to reduce itching include:

Apply witch hazel to the area with cotton spots.

Wear cotton underwear.

Avoid toilet paper with perfumes or colors; use baby wipes instead.

Try not to scratch the area.

Depending on the grade and symptoms, piles treatment in Delhi can be done with hygienic-dietary measures, non-surgical procedures or surgery.

The initial piles treatment in West Delhi, Vikaspuri, Janakpuri, Dwarka consists of conservative measures, such as a diet rich in fiber, fiber supplements, mild laxatives, local hygiene measures, etc. If symptoms persist, it is recommended to perform procedures or surgery according to the degree of hemorrhoids.

Hemorroidopexy with mechanical suture

This is the first method that was an alternative to the removal of hemorrhoids. This method, known as the Longo or PPH technique, involves performing a hemorrhoidopexy. The mucosal prolapse is corrected by removing a part of the rectal canal, replacing the hemorrhoids in the original position. A mechanical self-stapler is used that removes the remaining mucosa and, at the same time, sutures the remainder. Postoperative pain is markedly reduced because there are no open wounds. It is a technique indicated for hemorrhoids of 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade.